A Northern Big Bang

Click to download this Northern Research Group/CPS report.

From the forward to this excellent report, written by Chair of the Northern Research Group Jake Berry MP, and Nick King from the CPS:

In December 2019, millions of Northern voters broke with tradition by voting for the Conservative Party, in many cases for the first time.

They were voting not just to secure Brexit, but because they were tired of being neglected and ignored. They were tired of living in a country in which attention and investment are channelled towards the South East, while the North has gone from being an industrial powerhouse to one of the least productive areas in Europe.

We believe the Government needs to match their radicalism in voting Conservative with an equally radical agenda to improve their lives and their region – through a new ‘Big Bang’ for the North.

The aim of a Northern Big Bang should be to unleash a torrent of investment into the Northern economy, to deliver the productivity gains, economic growth and higher wages that are so desperately needed.

A Northern Big Bang provides a roadmap for not just recovery in the North, but a fundamental shift in unleashing investment and securing jobs and growth. I’m very proud to associate myself with this report and will be pushing for the government to take up the ideas within.

Click the image at the top of this page to view the report.


Broughton Parish Pump: Feb 2021


Mail Weekly Column: 13 02 2021