Mail Weekly Column: 13 February 2023

The earthquakes in Turkey and Syria this week are heart-breaking, and I know that we have families in Furness who will be deeply concerned as events continue to unfold in the region.

British nationals in Turkey who require assistance can call the Embassy on +903124553344 24 hours a day to speak with a consular officer. In Syria, this Consular support is not available. However, if you need to speak to the British Embassy regarding a British national in Syria you can call the FCDO on +44 020 7008 5000.

Because, of course, Furness folk are always looking out for others a good number of people have been in touch to ask how to support rescue efforts. Speaking to the Foreign Office this week the single largest problem on the ground appears to be logistics – roads are narrow and blocked, and so disaster relief is tricky to plan. The Red Cross and Red Crescent are on the ground however and have launched an international appeal. I have donated to them and would suggest that, if you wish to, you do so too.

Last week was National Apprenticeship Week, and I kicked off the week with my annual challenge against Andrew Wren at Furness college. This year I had half a chance as it was a culinary challenge, and we had to set four places at the table, before cooking an omelette at speed. This was our third face off, and our first tie!

Furness college offers an outstanding range of apprenticeships from engineering, construction to hospitality and beauty. The facilities there are incredible and the tutors, first class. Furness college has also launched a new T level in Management and Administration, and this new course is now accepting applications for a September 2023 start. Any young person looking for hands-on experience should enquire about apprenticeship opportunities at:

There are also wider opportunities throughout Furness with private companies offering apprenticeships such as ASDA and Electricity North West. I will also be holding a jobs and skills conference in October this year in which we will be building on the success of last year’s event and incorporating more apprenticeships and opportunities for people of all ages.

I was also pleased to see my Private Members Bill - the Offenders (Day of Release from Prison) Bill - pass through committee stage in Parliament this week. This simple change in law will cut reoffending, save the criminal justice system time and money, and improve outcomes for those who have served their time. The next stage of the Bill’s progress will be a Third Reading in a few weeks’ time, which should hopefully see it receive Royal Assent, and the Bill become law.

Finally, this week the Minister for Defence Procurement Alex Chalk KC MP was in Barrow as steel was cut for Warspite, the third of the Dreadnought Class boats. This momentous event marks the progress that the incredible local workforce is making on the National Endeavour. That progress is only possible with their hard work, skill and co-ordination. The news that the shipyard is to expand to 17,000 jobs as a result of the Astute, Dreadnought and SSNR programmes is a very real demonstration of the Government’s commitment to the National Endeavour and, its faith in Barrow’s capability and capacity.


Mail Weekly Column: 20 February 2023


Mail Weekly Column: 6 February 2023