A letter from the Secretary of State for Defence

Michael Fallon, the Secretary of State for Defence, has written to people across Barrow and Furness about the very real threat posed by Labour doing a deal with the SNP in order to gain power following the election.

The letter is clear.

There is a choice at this election between a strong Conservative government and Ed Miliband, propped up by the SNP. The same SNP who have called scrapping Trident a 'red line' issue for them.

From our 2015 General Election Manifesto

We have put our commitment to Trident in black and white in our manifesto: we support a four boat solution and are committed to the jobs, investment and opportunity which that will bring to our area. 

Ed Miliband's Labour Party has made no such commitment, mentioning only a 'minimum' capability in their manifesto. They are already paving the way for a deal.

The choice couldn't be clearer: whether to support a Conservative party which backs Barrow, or a Labour party which needs the SNP for power.

The SNP have been absolutely open about what they will do - they will haggle, bully and bend arms to get what they want from the Labour party. That means scrapping Trident, raising taxes and borrowing more. And who will pay for it? All of us.

We cannot afford to risk our security by letting Ed Miliband's Labour do a deal with a party which only exists to break up the UK. To secure Trident we need a strong Conservative government and every vote counts to help make that happen.

You can read Michael Fallon's letter below.

A letter from Michael Fallon to all Barrovians.


Labour is Torpedoed